以竹为基础的建筑在巴厘岛很常见,但即便如此,Ibuku 的 Arc 体育馆也是一项与可持续建筑世界中任何其他建筑不同的壮举!该结构是为一所私立学校校园设计的,该校园拥有一个完全由竹子制成的复杂双曲线屋顶。绿色学校在可持续教育方面有 12 年的突破和开拓历史,Arc 是同类学校中的第一个!
竹结构由一系列交叉的 14 米高的竹拱构成,跨度为 19 米,由抗碎屑网格壳相互连接,网格壳从两个相反方向的弯曲中获得强度。它采用大自然最伟大的策略之一,用最少的立柱创造大空间。例如,在人类的胸腔中,有一系列受压的肋骨由肌肉和皮肤的张力弹性层固定在适当的位置。这为肺部创造了一个薄而坚固的包裹。同样在 Arc 中,在压缩中工作的拱门由张紧的防弹网格壳固定到位。这些网格壳的领域似乎悬垂在高耸在头顶上的难以置信的薄拱门之间的空间,尽管网格壳似乎悬挂在拱门上,但实际上它们将它们支撑起来。
其独特的造型形成了一个保护屋顶,为一个建筑面积为760平方米的多功能运动场提供了庇护。轻型建筑的几何形状使结构处于平衡状态,这意味着对结构材料的需求显着减少。这也意味着前所未有的内部体积,具有不可思议的薄结构,并且没有任何分散注意力的桁架。Arc 确实是一个宏伟的、最小的、有机的结构,它表明我们可以梦想远大,产生影响,并在不影响我们的目标的情况下努力在更大范围内实现更可持续的发展。
“The Arc 的概念结构是前所未有的,”Ibuku 项目建筑师 Rowland Sauls 声称。“着手一项以前从未执行过的设计需要一些勇敢和乐观。我们有足够的创造力和毅力来研究和开发项目成功所需的答案。”
“网格壳使用形状刚度来形成屋顶围护结构,并为抛物线拱门提供抗屈曲能力,”Atelier One 主管尼尔·托马斯说。“这两个系统共同创造了一个独特而高效的结构,”他补充说,“能够在负载下弯曲,使结构重新分配重量,减轻拱门上的局部力。”
Bamboo-based architecture is common in Bali, but even then the Arc gymnasium by Ibuku is a feat unlike any other in the world of sustainable architecture! The structure has been designed for a private school campus featuring a complex double-curved roof made entirely from bamboo. The Green School has a 12-year history of pushing boundaries and pioneering for sustainable education and Arc is the first of its kind!
The bamboo structure is built from a series of intersecting 14-meter tall bamboo arches spanning 19 meters, interconnected by anticlastic gridshells which derive their strength from curving in two opposite directions. It employs one of nature’s greatest strategies for creating large spaces with minimal founding pillars. For example, in a human ribcage, there are a series of ribs working in compression are held in place by a tensioned flexible layer of muscle and skin. This creates a thin but strong encasement for the lungs. Similarly in Arc, arches working in compression are held in place by tensioned anticlastic gridshells. These fields of gridshells appear to drape across the spaces between impossibly thin arches soaring overhead and although the gridshells appear to hang from the arches, they actually hold them up.
Its unique shape forms a protective roof sheltering a multipurpose sports court with a floor area of 760 square meters. The lightweight building’s geometry brings the structure into a state of equilibrium, which means a dramatically decreased necessity for structural material. This also means an unprecedented inner volume with an impossibly thin structure and without any distracting trusses. The Arc is truly a magnificent, minimal, and organic structure that shows we can dream big, make an impact, and strive to be more sustainable on a grand scale without compromising on our purpose.
“The concept structure for The Arc is totally unprecedented,” claimed Ibuku project architect Rowland Sauls. “Embarking on a design never before executed required some bravery and optimism. We were creative and stubborn enough to research and develop the answers needed for the success of the project.”
“The gridshells use shape stiffness to form the roof enclosure and provide buckling resistance to the parabolic arches,” said Atelier One director, Neil Thomas. “The two systems together create a unique and highly efficient structure,” he added, “able to flex under load allowing the structure to redistribute weight, easing localised forces on the arches.”