1. 外籍或中国籍
2. 3-8年中国国内规划和城市设计项目经验
3. 在以下领域至少具有两方面的项目设计经验:
(1) 大型规划(新城规划,不少于8-10平方公里规划面积);
(3) 智慧城市规划;
(4) 产城融合;
(5) 城市热点区域城市更新;
4. 能站在开发商和市场角度思考并指导设计
5. 有创作热情及优秀的设计能力,较强的领导能力和团队精神
6. 优秀的沟通能力和表达能力
7. 具有良好的英文口头及书面表达能力
8. 精通Sketch-up, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, AutoCad等专业软件
1. Foreign or Chinese
2. 3-8 years of professional practice on city planning or design in China
3. Experience in at least two of following fields:
(1) large scale master planning (at least 8-10 sqkm);
(2) (ecological) tourism planning;
(3) smart city planning;
(4) balance of work and life (mixing use industrial park or city);
(5) urban renewal (urban design) at the hot spots of cities;
4. Good understanding of Chinese market and developers;
5. Strong design abilities, creative, valuable team player
6. Good communications and presentation skills
7. Fluency in written and oral English
8. Proficient in: AutoCAD, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketchup
应聘邮件请发送至: y.zhang@as-p-china.com.cn以及w.sun@as-p-china.com.cn