岗位职责Job Responsibilities:
1. 熟练使用建筑能源环境模拟相关软件包括不限于CAD, Rhino, Revit, Design Builder, Energy Plus;
2. 具有DGNB,PHI或者LEED绿色建筑咨询工程师资质;
3. 能针对项目场地特色和微气候数据分析建模,提出低影响的低碳综合技术策略和路径;
4. 能在近零能耗项目方案设计阶段提出不同的能耗模拟情形和核心建筑参数;
5. 能在正能源建筑方案设计阶段提出不同的能耗模拟情形和核心建筑参数;
6. 熟练计算建筑全生命周期LCA的碳排放模拟计算;
7. 具有熟练完成国内绿色建筑三星或等同级别的定位策划及预评估报告,以及实施绿色建筑技术标准的项目经验;
8. 具有熟练完成国内绿色建筑三星或同等级别的项目地块室内、外风环境模拟分析及优化报告;
9. 具有深化设计国内绿色建筑三星或同等级别的符合性评估建议及审图报告的项目经验;
10. 积极配合技术指导,技术管理和协调现场的施工调试需要的相关场地技术协调支持;
11. 胜任工作主要职责,并且有卓越的团队领袖表现。
任职要求 Job requirements:
Master's degree or above, major in gardening, landscape design, environmental art, etc.; more than 5 years relevant work experiences in the sustainable building design and consultation sections in Nordic countries ;
Master all kinds of CFD,IES-VE simulation and mapping techniques, with expertise and skills in green building scenarios simulations concept vision;
Strong learning ability, able to master the company concept in a short time, and integrate into the company environment
Can make the project presentation, can clearly express professional problems and solutions in professional technical meetings or discussions, and obtain the approval of client; can accurately express the problems in the design in both Chinese and English.
5、熟练使用CAD, Rhino, Revit, Design Builder, Energy Plus等能耗模拟计算软件;
Skilled in energy simulations and calculation software such as CAD, Rhino, Revit, Design Builder, Energy Plus, etc.