A+事务所成立于2015年,事务所主要成员均是不同背景的建筑师;但是他们认为在当代背景下,建筑师的职责不止是设计,更需要探讨一些设计和其他话题的关系,这也是A+的来源-ARCHITECTURE AND MORE.在项目类型上,事务所主要实践于医疗养老,旧建筑改造,公共文化建筑,以及其他涉及讨论不同人与社会城市关系的项目类型如监狱,墓地,桥梁等。他们也想通过A+来表达力求将每个项目在自己的标准中做到最好。目前在上海以及成都设有办公地点。A+ was founded in 2015, and its main members are architects with different backgrounds. However, they believe that in the contemporary context, the responsibility of architects is not only to design, but also to discuss the relationship between design AND other topics, which is also the source of A+ -ARCHITECTURE AND MORE.In terms of project types, the firm mainly practices in medical care for the aged, renovation of old buildings, public cultural buildings, as well as other project types that involve discussing the relationship between different people and social cities, such as prisons, cemeteries, Bridges and so on. They also want to express through A+ that they strive to make the best of each project in their own standards.